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Superhero Kids

4900 Mueller Blvd.
Austin, TX, 78723
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Phone: (512) 329-6766
Website: www.superherokids.org
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Superhero Kids was founded in December 2009 to specifically address quality of life issues for children and their families battling cancer and blood disorders at the Children’s Blood and Cancer Center of Central Texas.


Typically when a child is diagnosed with cancer or a blood disorder and begins a treatment program at the CBCC, one parent must stop working outside the home, and devote full time attention to managing and coordinating treatments, education and basic needs of the child in treatment at the CBCC, as well as maintaining the family. The usual duration of treatment can last from 1-3 years and much longer in some instances. The financial burden on a family is overwhelming, not to mention the emotional impact on the child in treatment, siblings and the entire family.


Superhero Kids provides financial assistance to the CBCC to enhance special non-medical programming such as the Hungry Bunch Teen support program, non-medical expenses incurred by families that are not reimbursed by insurance, transportation, basic living expenses, and special educational needs for families who are unable to address these extraordinary and often unanticipated additional costs of battling pediatric cancer and blood disorders.




100% of the funds go to improve the quality of life for a child in treatment . . . Every donation, regardless of amount, is significant and has a profound impact on the lives of our Superhero Kids. It is for this reason, that Superhero Kids wants every donor to know how their generous donation actually and directly benefits the children and families of children in treatment at the Children’s Blood and Cancer Center, not simply that the donation is used by the children and their families, but how that donation is used. 



Superhero Kids provides the opportunity to allow donors to see exactly where their donation is going and how it is benefiting the children and families of the CBCC on a real time basis. Superhero Kids also provides the opportunity for donations “in honor of” or “in memory of” a person who is special to you.



Primarily Superhero Kids funds the following: 



Home Repairs 


School Supplies and Clothing 

Food and Living Expenses 


Other essential medical equipment and prosthesis not covered by insurance 



Donate today to help patients at the CBCC. 





We are 100% volunteer-driven. Volunteer your time to make a difference for our patients. Read More





Help us fundraise, or create your own fundraising event, to raise money for Superhero Kids. Read More







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