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Children's Advocacy Center of Texas

1501 W. Anderson Lane
Austin, TX, 78757
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Phone: (512) 258-9920
Contact Email: info@cactx.org
Website: www.cactx.org
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Children's Advocacy Centers of Texas, Inc. (CACTX) is the statewide membership association, representing all local children's advocacy centers (CACs) in the Lone Star State.
The mission of Children's Advocacy Centers of Texas is to restore the lives of abused children by supporting children’s advocacy centers in partnership with local communities and agencies investigating and prosecuting child abuse.
Children's Advocacy Centers of Texas, was founded in 1994 with a membership of 13 local centers, today the CACTX membership roster includes 65 developing and established centers in large urban cities as well as in small rural communities. Our membership reflects the vast diversity of Texas, all with their own unique approaches to fulfilling our shared mission of protecting our children.
Report Suspected Abuse Call 1-800-252-5400 or 9-1-1 www.txabusehotline.org 
The Team
As a membership organization, Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas employs a staff of experienced professionals dedicated to serving the needs of its member centers, including advocacy, collaboration, funding, networking, evaluation and assessment, training and technical assistance, and more. 

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Children’s advocacy centers (CACs) operate on the fundamental belief that the best interests of the child victim should be protected as the case proceeds through the investigation and prosecution stages and beyond. CAC's offer a child-friendly environment where child victims can feel safe talking about it, in the event something has happened to them.

Make your gift to CACTX in one of two ways, online or print, fill out, and send in the CACTX postcard by mail

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