Local Teams, Mpacting Dreams
We believe in dedicated players, hard work, progression in learning, for those who want to raise their game to the next level.
Our Mission:
Is to Teach players the fundamentals of baseball by providing them with a high level of instruction, the tools necessary to compete and the knowledge of the game.
Dedicated coaches that teach athletes of all ages the proper techniques in all aspects of the game. Coaches create drills that enable the athletes to repeat the proper motion, so that the athletes become more consistent player.
Positive attitudes are contagious and important parts of athletics focus on building desire & passion for the game.
The backbone to all sports. Buzz Lightning Baseball emphasizes the importance of sportsmanship by teaching sportsmanship is not only a sports lesson it’s a life lesson.
Teamwork is a part of everyday life. We strive on team building concepts that can be carried to the field. Our goal is to help your athlete become a more rounded team player on and off the field.
Our focus is the players…. many youth travel baseball organizations get caught up in the politics and drama that the parents create. We strive to keep the focus on the kids, remembering that this is a youth sport; the game is for the children not the adults.
Our goal as a travel baseball organization is to be different!
Thanks for visiting us at ProvenTeams and for helping us Mpact Austin!
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